Sunday, May 27, 2012

The fork in the road

The old saying is when you get to the fork in the road, take it. Silly advice. I once read that by taking the fork to the right you have a better chance of ending up at the right place. Today I totally had to rely on yellow scallop signs of the Camino to lead me through fields, roads, forests to arrive at my destination. At one fork, the scallop pointed to the left, thus I obeyed it. Today, we are confronted with forks in the road on multiple levels. We make insignificant and life-changing decisions and hope for the best. However, it has been my experience that when we allow a decision to grow clear to us and allow God into the process, the end result usually works out better. In my life God has been instrumental in my decisions regarding my career, spouse, where and when to accept or decline a call, all forks in the road.

1 comment:

  1. It seems hard to allow the decision to "grow clear", when I am always in such a hurry.
