Thursday, May 17, 2012

Prado museum

I found the Prado museum overwhelming. Looking at a few hundred paintings and statues immediately felt like my daily life: moving from person to person, meeting to meeting, crisis to crisis. I am bombarded with so much information and visuals on TV, internet, email, Facebook. Even the religious paintings blur into each other and doesn't grab you after a while. However, when the guidebook suggested certain paintings, I would search for them on the map and in the museum. Once I found them, I took time to read the description and admire them. Perhaps that's what we all need: a daily reminder amidst our crazy busyness of what is really important and spend some time just being present in God's presence. Thus, I am making a point of meeting new people every day, asking where they are from and seeing Christ at work while we converse in mangled English, Dutch and German.

1 comment:

  1. Thus far I have met people from Australia New Zealand, USA, Portugal, Brazil, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Guinea
