Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life in reversed order

The Cathedral at Saint James in Santiago de Compostela is impressive both on the in and outside. Inside there are several plaques with 4 symbols: the moon and sun, and below it the Alpha and Omega signifying that God is the beginning and end. The Camino is a journey towards God and Santiago and is completed there. But outside above the door where the pilgrims leave, the symbols are reversed: Omega then Alpha. The end of the journey symbolizes a new beginning. Thus, the Camino doesn't end: you leave from Santiago, the end of your journey, for home and the journey begins anew. From the end you travel to the beginning. My new friends Rita and Walter from Antwerp have done 14 & 7 Caminos respectively. After showing them this image last night, I wished them: Buen Camino and they could only laugh, knowing they would be back to journey it again. Isn't this what church and worship services should be? We think we come to end our week, yet our coming to God and being in God's presence is moving from the end to a new beginning and a week full of journeys to the source of our faith that awaits us. Actually we should say to every worshiper when the service concludes: Buen Camino!

1 comment:

  1. So its June 17 and you haven't posted in a while. Wondering where you are right now...

