Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What does an octopus and church have in common?

I drove to a little beach town, Peniche, to see more of Portugal. I set of looking for something specific for dinner: pulvo (octopus). I stopped and checked the menu at every restaurant: they were either closed because I was 6 hours early for dinner (it was 4pm) or they did not receive any octopus. So I backtracked to restaurants that looked too expensive and viola! I found one that actually had it. I placed my order, but the waiter brought me an assortment of starters: bread, shrimp, octopus salad and patee. I asked what they each cost and it was double what my meal cost. My octopus with tiny baked potatoes was divine. Later it struck me that my meal was an image of the church. People know what they want and seek different churches until they find the octopus, i.e. the right congregation. But, in my opinion, we offer them everything except what they ask for (or want): a personal experience with God in Christ, how to respond to the calling or stirring they felt. They want to hear sermons that affirm that God deeply loves them but also explains what it means to be a Christian in today's complex world. They want guidance and direction on how to feast on the pulvo, but we feed them bread and starters, which is not what I or they came for.


  1. Hi Roche,

    Great to read aobut your "journey" so far. Have some octopus for me! What a treat that must have been despite the appetizer prelude!

    And seeing God in the ordinary of daily life makes us aware that nothing is really ever ordinary, doesn't it. Lot's of sermon material and food for thought and reflection are coming your way!!

    Blessings as you continue your adventure.

    Mary Garbesi

  2. This blog entry made me say "wow" when I finished--I think there might be a book in there somewhere.
